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Austria, a country of culture and beauty. Just mention Vienna and Strauss waltzes begin to play in your head. And then there is Salzburg, the home of Mozart, yet for some the Sound of Music tunes immediately come to mind. Whether the hills are alive with the sound of music or the sophisticated culture of Viennese cafes and Hapsburg palaces touches your soul, Austria is a memorable place to visit.
Austria, a country of culture and beauty. Just mention Vienna and Strauss waltzes begin to play in your head. And then there is Salzburg, the home of Mozart, yet for some the Sound of Music tunes immediately come to mind. Whether the hills are alive with the sound of music or the sophisticated culture of Viennese cafes and Hapsburg palaces touches your soul, Austria is a memorable place to visit.
View of Salzburg From Kapuzinerberg
This view over Salzburg is from Kapuzinerberg across the valley. Taken at daybreak on a very cold morning the sky was quite dramatic as the clouds quickly rolled past.
The Glorietta at Schonbrunn at Dusk
Soft evening light and a calm reflection showcase the grand beauty of the Glorietta at Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna.
Sunset on the Glorietta at Schonbrunn
As the late afternoon sun begins to set, a warm glow is cast on the west facing side of the Glorietta at Schonbrunn.
Statue and Garden at Schonbrunn
Architectural elements of both a building and garden surround a statue in a garden at Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna.
Steeples and Untersberg in Salzburg
With a long lens to compress the view, I was able to capture the rooftops of Salzburg dominated by the Untersberg in the background.
View of Vienna From a Woodland Path
A view of Vienna from a path on the Schonbrunn Palace grounds is all that is needed to begin humming waltzes. Strauss' "Tales from the Vienna Woods" comes readily to mind.
Leopoldskron Castle Near Slazburg
Leopoldskron Castle near Salzburg seen from across the lake may be a familiar sight to many. It was used as the Von Trapp Family home in the film "The Sound of Music". This black and white image has been toned digitally giving it the resemblance of a selenium toned look.
This view over Salzburg is from Kapuzinerberg across the valley. Taken at daybreak on a very cold morning the sky was quite dramatic. This black and white image has been toned digitally to bring out the dramatic features in the morning sky.